This week in RaVE we have been exploring the significance of early Christian symbols. Over the last two days students have been working collaboratively to prepare a presentation that will enable them to share their knowledge and understanding of a particular symbol from early Christian times. What has impressed me most about the work that the students have been doing is their ability to choose the right tool for their purpose. During the past two lessons I have seen students using the following technology:
- Prezi and Prezi Meeting to collaboratively work on their presentation at the same time
- OneNote to collaboratively share information and images
- Power Point
- Movie Maker
We also discussed how "Willyoutypewithme" and Google Docs may be useful tools for collaborative projects in the future.
It has been great to see the students independently choosing the right tool for their skill level and purpose. I can't wait to see their presentations next week.
It has been great to see the students independently choosing the right tool for their skill level and purpose. I can't wait to see their presentations next week.