At the recent Parent/Teacher interviews there were two words that came up over and over again - Balance and Consistency.
It is not unusual for junior secondary students to become more focused on social activities and friendships than their school work. That is why it is vital for the parents and the school to work together to help the students maintain a balanced lifestyle. So how do we help our students balance a life full of cocurricular activities, academic responsibilities, social commitments, and technological temptations?
One of the most effective ways is to help our students develop consistent and regular routines that devote small amounts of time to all of their responsibilities/interests on daily basis. As adults, we know how stressful it can be when things start to pile up and we have to make personal sacrifices to fulfill our responsibilities. This is no different for our students, although they seem a little less willing to put academic responsibilities ahead of personal endeavours. If we help our students develop consistent routines based on balance, and prioritise their time according to responsibilities and commitments first, then we should be able to help them minimise times of work overload and stress.
Helping your child to restore the balance in their life through developing consistent routines may just help to develop a happier and healthier teen.

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